In a recent blog, Procedure Rock mentioned an appalling case of violence in the workplace. However other incidences of workplace conflict occur every day and it is preventable. It can damage employees physically, but the psychological effects and impact on productivity are telling when looked at closely.


The potential for this conflict in a workplace is obvious, but all too often there is an acceptance by people on the basis “Oh it’s just part of the Cut and Thrust of workplace dynamics” or the well-known phrase in Australian Industries to “Harden up” when an issue is raised by an employee.


Policies and Procedures can contain this type of behaviour relatively quickly by enunciating what the organisation expects of employees/ employer behaviours towards each other in terms of mutual respect and civility, and having a reminder function by re-inforcing and acknowledging policies throughout the working calendar year.

In turn, by acknowledging the standards of behaviour contained within the Policies and procedures, all involved will have the same mind-set. Some Industries prefer the 18th century view of the Master/ Servant in the workplace.

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