Transformation of workplace culture.

How good is your workplace culture?

Leaders of organisations should first have a look in the mirror as in many cases where there are continuous workplace issues, a problem exists in the leadership ranks.

All too often an organisation states it has a winning culture when it is defensive, aggressive and unauthentic. The organisation, through its leaders are projecting a disguise, however nearly everyone inside and outside the organisation can see it for what it is, “A Pretence.”


All too often managers can be heard talking about “Everyone getting on the same page” and in turn only confiding in employees who share these sentiments. Other employees in observing this behaviour protect themselves by appeasement techniques to please the aggressors and seek to help and protect their workmates who feel unable to have a satisfying workplace relationship with dominant, dictatorial managers.

The outcome is a divided workforce with people saying the things they believe are necessary to survive and alternately a group who challenge nothing and seek protection.

Legal firms and Financial Sector organisations are classic examples, household names that are deeply flawed in terms of business practice and workplace culture.

Good workplace culture can be defined and implemented only where management enters an inclusive consultative approach across the organisation. The establishment of legally compliant policies and procedures coupled with an online collaborative networking arrangement through Procedure Rock, an agile business management system, will help ensure this type of workplace culture is promoted and adhered to.

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